IMG CLIENT: Weekly 'Virtual Inspire' session with their team - May 2020

“To provide a stimulating and inspiring conversations for the IMG Licensing team at the beginning of Covid19 Isolation lockdown. Specifically to talk about ‘how to turn disruption into advantage’”


Hi Nicole,

 I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for giving up your time to speak to the IMG Licensing Team last Friday, this was very much appreciated.

 Personally, I found listening to you very motivating and I loved hearing about your experiences and the ‘can do’ attitude and determination to succeed shown where you believed in something but maybe didn’t quite get the necessary support or belief right at the beginning!

I certainly took away from the session that hard work, focus and belief all go a very long way to delivering success and that we must not be paralysed by the fear of failure.

I think more so than ever, in current times, it is going to be belief in our ideas outside of the box are these kind of attitudes that will win through.

 Thanks again for your time and you just gained a new follower to your social channels!

Best regards


 Tony Attwood

Licensing Director

Hi Nicole,

 Thank you for giving up some of your time this morning to talk to us.

 You have had a very varied career to date and I found what you had to say extremely interesting and inspirational.

I look forward to reading your book and hopefully our paths will cross in the future.

 Best wishes,



John McMillan

Senior Retail Director



Thank you for the Virtual Chat today Nicole, it was very inspiring and educational.

 I have an interest in technology and sustainable energy  / transportation and thought this transition of technologies would be something of interest to you for my question.

The dealership program is going to need to change as well as governments and the charging infrastructure.

Tesla has carried on selling and delivering vehicles during Covid because you can purchase a car, get it delivered and open the car all on your phone.

Also the clean air over our cities (with people stuck at home with time to think),  realise how things could be different without fossil fuel burning transportation.

 Thanks again for your time and I will look forward to reading your book.

 Best Regards


Matt Rowe

Creative Lead


Dear Nicole,

 Thank you so much for your time and for lifting everybody’s spirits while you shared your story today.

It was particularly inspiring to hear from women who have challenged the status quo so many times and continues to do so. There need to be more people like you!

 Your story has got me thinking and has inspired me to further explore new avenues and take inspiration from the world around me.

I wish you all the best with your next venture and hope you and your family stay safe and healthy during these times.

 Kind regards,


Lucy Pigott 

Licensing Executive


Dear Nicole, 

Thank you so much for speaking on the virtual chat this morning. I found the talk very interesting and insightful. I found particular inspiration in how you’ve turned challenges into opportunity.   

 Thanks again and stay safe, I will be sure to look out for your book.

All the best


Counsel Coordinator

 Please pass on my thanks to Nicole, very interesting. Enjoyed hearing about the rough diamond scheme, I think more should be to done to level the playing field when applying for jobs and you can clearly see the benefits of building teams from varied backgrounds.

Bryn Evans

Licensing Executive


