Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon

Cappaccinos and C*ckups

Yuval Noah Harari put it best - “So the best advice I can give a fifteen-year-old is: don’t rely on the adults too much. Most of them mean well, but they just don’t understand the world.

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Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon


a whole new approach to AI education – think of it as a digital twist on hackathons.

we’re harnessing the power of generative AI in diverse sectors.

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Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon

Community Is Strength

Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform that connects entrepreneurs, business owners and experts through events, online content and mentorship

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Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon


HATCH is a community of innovators pursuing a more beautiful, sustainable, and just world. Our members cover a wide swath of humanity - Oscar Winning-filmmakers, Grammy-winning Musicians, CEOs and Founders of diverse companies and nonprofits, designers from IDEO, NASA, Google, and a wide range of hackers, inventors, educators, disruptors, and mavericks.

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Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon


AI is taking over the world faster than we ever imagined. This is your chance to join us as we explore the impact of AI on various industries in "The Good, Bad, and Ugly of AI" breakfast event series, as we fearlessly question the role of AI in our lives and businesses.

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Nicole Yershon Nicole Yershon

Chats with Chatgpt

What is Poe on Iphone?

Poe lets you ask questions, get instant answers, and have back-and-forth conversations with AI.

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