School Communications Art Fireside Chat


Date: Tues, 2nd July. Talk: 17.00 - 18.00.

Where: SCA - 25-27 Curtain Rd, London EC2A 3LT.

A Fireside Chat for The Students of School Communication Arts

I'd love for our students to see you both chatting about the key topics shared below, with your chemistry as father and daughter, and wisdom from lifetimes in the industry. Ultimately, we see you two having a fireside-style chat while drawing on those key points. We want you to be comfortable and are flexible to whatever suits you both. 

17:00: Intro - 

  • Marc - introduces Nicole and Mike (3 min) 

  • Nicole - who you are and what you're working on right now (5 min)

  • Mike - who you are and what you're working on right now (5 min)

17:15: Covering key points -

This could be you asking each other questions/prompts or sharing your thoughts on the key points below. You're both welcome to throw questions back at the room, although this cohort is more introverted than previous intakes.å

  • Mike - to share his thoughts on the past, present and future media that he feels up-and-coming creatives should be aware of (10 min) 

  • Nicole - share key points around intrapreneurship and turning disruption into an advantage (10 min) 

17:35 (ish): ** Open up to questions

I’ll be sharing your bios with students this week, so they can think about what they’d like to ask you.  (15-20 min) 

17:55: Wrapping up - 

Any final points of wisdom you'd like to share, perhaps leaving 1 piece of advice each as the students head towards their Portfolio Day and look for placements. (5 min)

** Questions I’ll likely ask if they don’t come up in other ways:

  • Mike: Please share your story about putting football on TV. I think it’s incredible.

  • Mike: A follow-up, what other examples of creative thinking in media like that can you think of that have fundamentally changed how we consume it?  (This could lead into past, current and future, if helpful.)

  • Mike: Looking at the creative industry now, what advice do you have for these creatives heading into the commercial world? 

  • Nicole: My favourite saying of yours is still “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know.” Please will you share a little about the Lab’s Semester of Learning, and what some of your favourite learnings were. For example,  new ideas/concepts that surprised and excited you? I.e: What did you learn that you just had to know more about? 

  • Nicole:  Whilst technically we were a department at Ogilvy UK, we ran the Labs like an agency within the agency. This allowed us freedom through sourcing our own income. In this context, what advice would you give Cymbals (this SCA cohort name) to inspire them to get things done in a large organisation? 


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